



Content Agency in four languages


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Services ⟵    ⟶

We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We write content for various platforms, institutions, brands and projects, and scripts for advertising, documentaries and fiction. We write copy, articles, podcasts, interviews, social media, websites, corporate reports, books and exhibitions, among other things. We take care of everything that needs to be written and ensure that it is well-written in Spanish, English, Catalan and Basque.

We design brand narratives and conceptualise events. We curate festivals, events and cultural seminars. In other words, we create and tell your story from a feminist and inclusive point of view.

We design tones of voice for brands and institutions.

We offer consultancy services to create a strategic plan to help you communicate what you want, the way you want.

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We are made of stories. Is there anything more human than trying to make sense of what surrounds us? We spend our days listening to different sources of information, watching videos, reading online, scrolling down and dreaming of the next exhibition that will move us. Stories, words, and communication are so crucial that we have been able to create artificial intelligence that mimics the styles of great writing personalities. But.

What we say and how we choose to say it is the structure on which we create the society we live in. That is why it is essential that everyone feels reflected. That some don’t seem to be more important than all the rest. That ignorance, idleness or laziness do not make us disregard those around us. At Letraherida, we adapt our voice to yours or help you find it so that you can say what you need to say the way you wish to say it. At Letraherida, we make sure that your message does not exclude anyone because our communication is feminist, respectful and inclusive.

Your words and how you use them reflect who you are. We help you to tell your story.


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Patricia Escalona

After graduating in English Philology and realising that teaching was not my thing, I found my path in book publishing. Twenty years and several publishing houses - such as Ediciones B, Suma de Letras-Punto de lectura, The New Press in New York or Roca Editorial - later, it was time to turn the page, start a new chapter and face the blank page: I turned my career around to dedicate myself to copywriting with Ane by my side. And although it might seem otherwise, I swear that commonplaces have no place in my professional texts.

Ane Guerra

Journalist, scriptwriter, Storytelling and Copywriting teacher at Elisava and host of the podcast Women at Work by Hey. I’ve been telling stories, working for national and international clients, doing radio, creating magazines, and writing for over ten years. I love nothing more than reading for breakfast.

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Generalitat de Catalunya, BIT Habitat-Ajuntament de Barcelona, OFFF, Hercules - Havas, Museu Picasso, Disseny Hub Barcelona, CCCB, Caixaforum, Gigi Studios, Yego, MILES, Hospital de la Vall d’Hebron, Dorna, Blit, Mango, Elisava, UVIC, Educo, Prodigioso Volcán, CBA, Octàgon Design, Red Vinilo, Dos Coronas, Digital Future Society, Comuniza, Minerva Marketing, P.A.R., Hey, Caravelle, Wouf, Digital of Things, Daleph, OLA arquitectos, Relaja El Coco, Codea, Solo Aceite, Hola Coffee, Submer, La Mixtura, Couple in Data, DOT, WAVM, The Daily Muse, UNO Models.